Jones|Carter Survey Crew

FCLID2 wants to let everyone know that Jones|Carter will have a survey crew in the District on Monday, September 18, documenting highwater marks and various elevations across the District. The District’s system performed very well during Hurricane Harvey; however, we are always exploring ways to improve our flood fighting response for future events. If you have any questions you can contact us through Thank you

District Update – September 1 at 12:00 pm

County Judge Robert Hebert announced that the Brazos River has crested at 55.19 feet at the Richmond Gauge and as of 10am today has receded to 55.1 feet. The District will continue to monitor the pumps and the levee as the water recedes and wants to reiterate to residents of The Commonwealth that we are still under a voluntary evacuation order. Although the flood waters are receding, there is still high water on roads in the area and emergency personnel in need of the roads, so caution should be taken by residents who have evacuated in returning. The Board would like to thank all of the residents of The Commonwealth for their support during the last week, and especially all the support given to the District’s operators who were on site throughout the storm event.